Attendance (My Account - Faculty Version)
Attendance (My Account - Faculty Version)
To access your attendance records, follow these steps:
- Log in with your credentials:
- Once logged in, on the left-hand side of the screen, click on "Attendance- Record Attendance"
- In the ‘My Scheduler’ section, you will find the list of your scheduled lectures.
- When you click on a specific lecture, a new panel will open, allowing you to record the attendance.
- QR CODE – Click on the QR code scanner will open
After scanning the End Recording
- Roll Call Manual - The list of students will be displayed. Mark each student as "Present" or "Absent" individually. Once done, click on "Submit" to complete the attendance.
- Self-attendance - If self-attendance is enabled, Student will receive a notification on the Somaiya mobile app. Click on the notification and mark yourself as "Present" or "Absent."
- If a student can access future lectures, a validation message appears on the screen